Istanbul, May 17 (DHA) – Korea has requested WTO dispute consultations with the United States regarding US safeguard duties imposed on imports of large residential washers and crystalline silicon photovoltaic products
İstanbul, May 14 (DHA) - The Council of European Union today adopted a regulation establishing a framework for the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) in the 2030 climate and energy frame
İş kurmak üzere ülkeye gelen Türk vatandaşlarına 4 yılı doldurduklarında verilen süresiz oturum iznine yönelik başvuruların koşulları farklı olacak. Bu konuda yeni kurallar belirlenene kadar anlaşma kapsamında İngiltere'de kalanlar süresiz oturum izni baş
İstanbul, March 19 (DHA) - Turkey has fulfilled its obligations regarding a 2016 deal signed between Turkey and the European Union to curb the flow of irregular migrants, Turkey’s EU Affairs Ministry has said on its official Twitter account on the second